South ES: (775) 357-9122

North ES: (775) 322-0274

N-West ES: (775) 418-1115

HS: (775) 829-4601

MS: (775) 323-2332


Mathcounts Competition

There was the MathCounts Regional Competition on Feb 8, and two out of our five competitors qualified for the state competition. We congratulate John Asadian and Shishir Vasireddy for qualifying, and Boran Cakiroglu, Sophia Cortes, and Anushka Madira for a good showing and representing the school!

Gardening Club

Sarah and Circle K garden coworkers,       Mother Nature shone on Coral School, November 16. What amazing gifts of service and resources you’ve shared with Coral Academy school garden. Our garden now has a water-drip system and an attractive little picket fence at the garden perimeter. Students and staff were amazed at the … Read more